I opened the door to a big cardboard box – always such an exciting moment, when three years’ work is unwrapped as a solid, physical Book!

High Nowhere is now available to buy with one click PayPal from this website – just click here. P&P is still free. I can’t begin to say how grateful I am to readers. It’s always strange, and honestly rather uncomfortable, trying to find a readership for my poetry, despite the wonderful support of my publishers. So thank you, dear readers!

I’m also so grateful to Penelope Shuttle and Robert Minhinnick, who read the manuscript so thoughtfully and provided these generous endorsements –

‘In High Nowhere…’the river spins me a kingfisher, a sudden pulsing curve of peacocked flight…’ and we learn what happens ‘When the grandmothers were let out of prison…’
These resonant and beautiful poems draw their being, living and fresh, from a reservoir of experience deeply connected to landscape, to weather, and to language. This poet is a true participant in and celebrant of planetary energy. Her observing eye and feeling imagination give us immediate and rich access to the places she describes, be it her home county of Shropshire, or of Iceland or France; these are places she knows from the ground up, and this enhances the poems. Here also are manifold griefs for our threatened and depleted natural world. The collection includes a series of striking photographs, and these images add another strand of deep meaning to the collection. To look through the eyes and to share the feeling heart of these poems is to comprehend the complex harmonies and disharmonies of our planet. Magical and singing, these are wondrous and timely poems.’
Penelope Shuttle

‘There is gorgeous English music here and we think we should be content. Yet with a change of key up loom Iceland’s fjords and volcanoes, and a different and dangerous landscape of words appears. Suddenly there is lava, icebergs and ‘the red murmuration descending upon the ordinary.’
What a voice, but what an eye!’
Robert Minhinnick

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